Communication Service Companies

Communication Service Companies

For Communication Service Companies

Below is a listing of the Board's current contact list for Missouri Communication Service Providers. We will send an alert to this contact list whenever there is a change to a monthly fee or tax or city for funding 911 communication services. If you would like to be added to this list, or if you need to make a change to this list, please fill out the contact form below or email the Missouri 911 Service Board at Download the listing here.

Sign up here to be contacted when there is a change to the monthly fee or tax in any county or city for funding 911 emergency communication services.

RSMO 190.475 directs the Department of Revenue to maintain a centralized database specifying the current monthly fee or tax imposed by each county or city under section 190.292, 190.305, 190.325190.335, or 190.455 and make this list available to the Missouri 911 Service Board.